Evaluation of my peer reviews

What specific elements of the film opening did you like?

What specific elements of the film opening did you dislike?

Did this look like a movie opener and did it make you want to know what happens next? Explain.

Was there anything that left you confused? (be specific)

What suggestions do you have to make this movie opener better?

I like the different angles and speed throughout the movie opener. It was fun to watch.

I dislike how it was difficult to hear him in the beginning. 

It does look like a movie opener. I am left to wonder why he is kidnapped and who is next. 

Nothing was confusing. 

Definitely have better sound in the beginning. A different weapon would be more reasonable. Also, the girls approached him very slowly, It may be better if they ran.

All the camera angles.

Inconsistent audio for the intro call,

Yes, and it does make you want to know what happens next with the situation he has been put in.


Different music choice, it didn't match the kidnapping segment at all.

I loved the fun energy the film presented, the goof and light-hearted tone was appreciated. The energetic camera work and upbeat music were also great choices. 

I disliked some of the abruptness of the sound effects. 

YES. The tone, music, direction, and acting were all operating on the same fun frequency which had me involved and wanting more. 

Nothing left me confused. 

I would have a slightly less abrupt ending, and I would balance out the volume of the sound effects. 

I liked the creativity and mission type music used in the film.

The sound was off. It was quite in the beginning when he is on the phone but got really loud when he got knocked out. 

I thought it looked like a movie opener as the film just shows the kidnapping but not the interrogation after or the reason why the man was knocked unconscious. 

There were also 2 different shots where the man was carried around the right side of the car and then carried around the left side of the car which makes it seem like you carried him in the wrong direction and then had to turn around to carry him another way. Just put one of those scenes in so it doesn't look like you are carrying him in circles.

Fix the audio and that one specific scene.

I liked the sound effects and the actually was good. It was pretty funny as well. 

There wasn't much if anything I disliked. I thought overall the film was solid. I will say the setting in the parking lot could be improved. 

It did look like a movie opener and I would want to know more about the story.

I wasn't confused about it. It seemed like a story of cheating, straight forward. 

Choose a different setting, other than that I enjoyed it.

I feel like the cuts between kidnapping and then the leader.

The audio is a little distant in the beginning. 

I feel like I want to know what will happen with the leader and the main reason why she wants to kidnap this person. This is because of the way that leader treats the person and thus, could mean that their is a deeper meaning.

I feel like I want to know the connection between the leader and the kidnapped person.

Just some minor improvements to sound improvements and just basic cuts and transitions.

The camera shots were good. They added music which was good, the acting was good.

Nothing really.

Yeah, it does, and this one tried the hardest to fit this criteria I wanna say out of all of them.


They clearly can't lift him, they should have gotten other actors, or one of them should have traded places with him.

I liked the idea and also the camera angles and costumes and how they are are in sync.

The audio in one part where Rob is talking it sounds like he is on the phone which is fine but once he gets off the phone I would change the audio to sound more like it was in the moment.

Yea I would to see Rob get beat on for being a cheater

No all pretty straight forward

Just change up the audio in that one part

I liked their intro on how he is just trying to get into his car and all of a sudden the girls show up.

It seemed very scripted (they could have acted a bit better).

Yes and No, even though I want to know what they are going to do with the man it was a bit boring and did not really interest me.

No, I understood every thing

They could use better transitions and camera angles

Love that they just pulled up in all black to blitz him. THE TIRE SCREECH!!! 10/10! The background music followed along with the action of the film. It started off average and as they pulled away after kidnapping him, the guitar and drums got more dramatic and pronounced. Emma ATE with the slow clapping and then throwing the bag at Robin was hilarious. 

Nothing, it was great,

I would definitely watch this if it was a drama action comedy, heavy on the comedy side.

Nope. She's clearly an angry girlfriend, ex, or unrequited love.

Nothing, 9/10.

The intro was alright, the camera angles were alright.

I didn't like the sound effects that they used, sounded chopped, music that didn't fit the scene, and only one actor was alright.

It has potential to look like a good movie opener, and I would want to watch it if they changed some stuff.

The call sound effect and the music that they used when they kidnapped the guy.

Better sound effect, better music, and better acting.

I liked the plot and the suspense that is created from the main character being kidnapped.

I did not like how the music did not match what was happening in the movie.

Yes, it made me want to know who the girl was at the end.

Why did they kidnap him?

I would suggest for there to be more dialogue to understand why the characters are doing what they are doing.

There was music during the kidnapping scene and driving scene. The film had motion shots, conversation, and low angle and medium angle shots.

The guy who was talking on the phone suddenly sounded like he was animatronic when the camera angle switched. 

Yes. because it leaves me wondering why they kidnap the guy and what they're going to do to him after.


I don't.

I liked the story and the different types of sounds that you used. Very interesting as well with a bit of comedy in there as well.

I didn't dislike anything I thought it was good

Yes this was a good movie opener as the audience is left wondering what is going to happen to Robin and what he did to deserve that

Nothing confusing

Maybe try to be more serious and don't laugh as much

The rock music and editing made the fast-paced feeling realistic

The acting once inside the car felt a little forced

It does look like a movie opener and I would be interested in a continuation

The motive behind all of this is a little blurry.

Maybe don't have your names projected in a bold font across your back? At least try to get away with it...

- acting is good 
- music is fitting 
- storyline is clear 

- camera angles/shots are amateur looking
- setting is not fitting to the storyline or the genre 
- setting makes the opener not believable 

No it did not look like an opener. It did make me want to see what happens next because of the anticipation. 


- change the setting to fit the story 
- improve camera angles 
- give a more convincing acting performance 


All of there critical feedback was very helpful. What we took in from it is that we will be fixing the sound to make it run smoother and more specifically, fix the footsteps to match up in the beginning of the film. Most people loved the background music, however, two people did not see it as fitting. Since majority did approve of it, we are keeping it. Some were confused why we kidnapped him but we don't plan to clarify that because that makes it is supposed to be explained after the opening and it makes the viewer want to keep watching to find out why. 
